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Influence of Background Turbulence on the Evolution of Turbulent Jets

Author(s): Yakun Guo; Peter A. Davies; H. J S. Fernando; C. Y Ching

Linked Author(s): Peter A. Davies


Abstract: A series of laboratory experiments is presented to investigate the influence of background turbulence on the development of a momentum jet. The video-based Digimage processing technique is used to monitor the breakdown of the jet by background turbulence generated by an oscillating grid, for a range of values of momentum flux and grid„action„. The breakdown point of the jet is detected by observing the abrupt increase of the jet diffusion angle, due to the turbulence established in the tank prior to the initiation of the experiments. Scaling considerations are made to illustrate the dependence of the breakdown position on the momentum flux and grid action. The scaling argument is verified by laboratory experiments.


Year: 1999

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