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Analysis of Seawater Circulation in the Whole Region of the Arctic Ocean

Author(s): Akira Wada

Linked Author(s): Akira Wada

Keywords: Rctic Ocean; Radioactive contamination; Flow analysis; Box model

Abstract: Research is underway to clarify a situation resulting from the dumping of nuclear submarines, etc. into the Arctic Ocean by the former Soviet Union. Waters in these dumping areas are very shallow and close to land. The results of flow analysis which the author conducted by using observation data (water temperature and salinity) and applying a method for obtaining the exchange flow in such a way that the inter-box input and output of salinity, heat and seawater volume would be balanced have made it possible to successfully express the actual flow patterns. The results thus obtained agreed with the known data in many aspects. Especially, streamflows in the Norwegian Sea, Barents Sea, Kara Sea and Laptev Sea agreed closely with the known data. The flow field in the surface layer in the central part of the Arctic Ocean differed from that in the known data. In the middle and deep layers, however, there was a streamflow that agreed with the known data (counterclockwise circulation of North Atlantic water). In the offing east of Greenland where the current is weak, a streamflow equivalent to the Greenland current was recognized.


Year: 1999

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