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Composite Roughness of Ice-Covered Flows in Open Channels

Author(s): Kailin Yang; Hui Fu; Xinlei Guo; Tao Wang; Yongxin Guo

Linked Author(s): Tao Wang, Hui FU, Xinlei Guo

Keywords: Ice cover; Composite roughness; Generalized formula; Open channel and distribution of water velocity

Abstract: The composite roughness of ice covered flows is a key parameter to determine the relationship between the flow and water stage. This paper presents a generalized formula for the composite roughness by analyzing the relationship among the roughness coefficients, the cross-sectional average velocities and wetted perimeters. Based on the generalized formula, the effect of the distribution of the velocities both in the bed region and in the ice region on the composite roughness of the ice covered flows in rectangular channels is studied. Meanwhile, in order to understand the scope of application to them, Einstein’s formula, Belokon - Sabaneev formula and Larsen’s formula are compared with the generalized formula systematically. The results show that Einstein’s formula is the best approximation of the generalized formula, and both the Sabaneev formula and Larsen’s formula may result in a great deviation in many cases.


Year: 2013

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