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Model Tests on the Multi-Level Power Intakes of Xiluodu Project

Author(s): Zhang Wenyuan; Zhang Dong; Yang Fan; Zhang Jinxiong

Linked Author(s): Jinxiong Zhang, Fan Yang

Keywords: Xiluodu Hydropower Station; Stop-Log Gate; Multi-Level Intakes

Abstract: The hydraulic characteristics of the multi-level intake flow in Xiluodu Hydropower Station was studied based on a 1/20 hydraulic model test. Tests were conducted in two generating conditions: (1) the intake gate was in the stop-log gate slot, and (2) the intake gate was in the trash rack slot. In the first condition (the width of the vertical flow passage was 6. 3m), the intake flow pattern, the pressure distribution on the gate and gate pier, the flow velocity over the gate and in the vertical flow passage, as well as the total water head loss through the intake, was studied. In the second condition (the width of vertical flow passage was 8. 86m), the flow velocity distribution and the water head loss coefficient were analyzed and compared. The tests show that when the stop-log gate is installed in the intake, the flow conditions can meet the normal generating requirements of the project. With good flow conditions and simple gate structure, the stop-log gate is believed feasible to take water from different elevations. The maximum flow velocity and the water head loss coefficient in the vertical flow passage dropped when the width of vertical flow passage increased. Therefore, it is necessary to make a further study on the relationship between the effective width of the vertical flow passage and the flow passage velocity distribution, as well as the water head loss. The research results are very helpful to guide the design of the power intakes and to increase power generating benefits, as well as to build environment- friendly projects.


Year: 2013

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