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Groundwater Model for Analysis of the Schemes of Maintaining the Runoff from Heilongtan Spring in Lijiang Basin of Yunnan Province, China

Author(s): Shibing Pan; Jianli Zhang; Kewang Tang; Hao Duan

Linked Author(s): Jianli Zhang

Keywords: Numerical simulation model; Karst spring flow; Cascade groundwater reservoirs; Artificial recharge

Abstract: The runoff from Heilongtan karst springs is the main water source for the scenery use of the well-known Old Town of Lijiang located in Yunnan Province of Southwest China. The spring flow is in dependence of rainfall and may be dry for long period in years with less precipitation in the basin. This paper discusses the various engineering schemes of maintaining the runoff from Heilongtan Spring by using the karst groundwater numerical simulation model. Firstly, the hydrogeological concept model is established by analyzing the investigation data including geophysics, groundwater level dynamic characteristic and aquifer geological survey information. Then the numerical simulation model is calibrated and verified by utilizing the long series data of the groundwater level, spring flow observations, and precipitation. Two major schemes, one is artificial recharge by delivering water from nearby basin, another is building the groundwater reservoirs by underground dam in karst aquifers, are simulated with the numerical simulation model. The results of scenario analysis demonstrate that both schemes are feasible for maintaining the runoff from Heilongtan Spring. Considering the cost of the engineering, the authors prefer the underground dam scheme which may be more reasonable and the spring could be guaranteed to overflow even in years with very less rainfall in the basin. As to the scheme of delivering water of near basin, about 49 percent of the delivering water is discharged by the way of underground flow. Therefore, it may not be guaranteed the spring flow not to be dry in year with very less rainfall. Lastly, the development pattern of cascade groundwater reservoirs is suggested to fully develop water resources for regional industrial, agricultural, domestic as well as scenery water use.


Year: 2013

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