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Study on the Wave Dissipation of a New Plate Breakwater

Author(s): Jing Wang; Yongzhou Cheng; Bailin Liu; Xiaohua Yang

Linked Author(s): Jing Wang

Keywords: Plate breakwater,Transmission coefficient,Numerical simulation,Flow-3d

Abstract: A new type of breakwater structure is proposed in this paper, which is composed by gap prefabricated panels at the upper, lower and the front sides and entity board at the back side. In the paper, a three-dimensional numerical wave basin based on CFD numerical model Flow-3D which solves the Navier–Stokes equations with the RNG k-ɛ turbulence closure scheme and the volume of fluid method is built to study the interaction between wave and the new plate breakwater. A porous structure has been put at the end of the flume to absorbing the wave energy. After having verified the accuracy of the numerical model, the paper got the relationship among the breakwater transmission coefficient with relative water depth d/L, relative wave steepness h/L, relative prefabricated plate clearance ratio j/L by numerical simulation through adjusting the different structure parameters and wave parameters. The results show that the new breakwater has good effect on wave absorption and the prefabricated plate clearance ratio is the most important factor affecting the wave dissipation. The required effect of wave absorption can be obtained by regulating prefabricated plate clearance ratio in different projects. The results provide reference for the new breakwater practical application in engineering.


Year: 2013

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