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Wave Erosion Characteristics of the No Vegetation Sandbag Structures

Author(s): Wenxue Chen; Shuiwei Tan; Xiaosong Wang

Linked Author(s): Wenxue Chen, Xiaosong Wang

Keywords: Seeded sandbag; Geotextile sand container; Wave erosion; Ecological revetment

Abstract: The wave erosion characteristics of the sandbag structures are less studied, limiting its application in the riverside or shoreline. The wave erosion mechanism of the sandbag structures is studied in this paper, and the dimensionless erosion loss formula of the structures is deduced. Based on the theoretical analysis, wave erosion experiment of no vegetation sandbag structures is carried out in a wave flume, and the experiment results show that: 1) when the wave erosion period is expressed with dimensionless value, the wave period has no effect on the wave erosion of the structures; 2) the larger the Apparent Opening Size (AOS) of the sandbag, the bigger the erosion loss of the sandbag structures; 3) wave height is the key factor affecting erosion loss of the structures, the higher the wave height, the bigger the erosion loss; 4) the wave erosion loss will be over 10% , when the structure is operated under the wave with height of 0. 3m for about 4~6h, therefore, the structure should be properly protected from the wave erosion before the vegetation growth of the seeded bags.


Year: 2013

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