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Research on 3D Aeration Infrastructure Shape of High-Head, Large-Discharge Spillway Tunnel

Author(s): Dong Zhang; Zhiping Liu; Jianbiao Gao; Yongxiang Feng; Wenxue Chen

Linked Author(s): Wenxue Chen, Zhiping Liu

Keywords: Cavitation; Aeration relief erosion; 3D aeration infrastructure

Abstract: The cavitation erosion of high-head “Dragon Head” free-flow tunnel usually takes place on downstream lateral wall of ogee end and bed floor, thus it’s extremely meaningful to study the aeration infrastructure of that part. This paper introduces the simulation result of four types of aeration infrastructure shape of ogee end (sudden drop +lateral contraction aeration karaz), from the aspects of flow pattern, air cavity form, wind velocity of ventilating shaft, flux and water low aeration concentration demonstrates that after optimization on shape size, this 3D aeration infrastructure can acquire satisfying aeration effect on maintaining flow pattern. This infrastructure can protect the lateral wall and bed floor, is an efficient measure to eliminate or to dwindle the cavitation erosion and erosion in deep ogee end with high flow speed.


Year: 2005

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