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Study on the Atomization Phenomenon Induced by Discharging Flow in Large Dams

Author(s): Shuangke Sun; Zhiping Liu; Haitao Liu

Linked Author(s): Shuangke Sun, Zhiping Liu

Keywords: Tomization; Prototype observation; Influencing range; Rainfall distribution; Large dam

Abstract: Nowadays, with the increment of dam height of hydropower projects to 300m and even higher, atomization induced by discharging flow has received more and more attention. Especially, the influence region of atomization and the rainfall distribution need to be determined quantitatively, but the phenomena and mechanisms of atomized flow are so complex that the existing studies are unable to provide credible results. In this paper, with the use of field data from prototype observation, the influence of hydraulic factors on the atomization phenomenon, the influence range of atomization and the rainfall distribution are studied quantitatively. The results show that the determinative factors on atomization are flood discharge, incident velocity, and incident angle into the cushion pool. The empirical formulas given in this paper can be used to estimate the influence range of atomization and the rainfall distribution.


Year: 2004

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