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The Study on Transport Characteristic and Impact Factors of Spilled Oil on Open Channel of Water Transfer Project

Author(s): Jie Mu; Xiaoqing Liu; Chao Ma; Ruozhu Shen; Dawei Zhang; Jianming Ma; Daling Cao

Linked Author(s): Jianming Ma, Dawei Zhang, Chao Ma

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: In order to quickly respond to oily pollution incidents in water transfer projects, the author has adopted the two-dimensional hydrodynamic model, oil spill numerical model, combined with physical model test, to carry out quick prediction on the characteristic parameters of oil spill transport and impact factors. The research results show that: in the case of sudden outbreak of oil spill pollution on the open channels of water transfer projects, the oil slick transports about 1.15 times as fast as the central flow velocity; the change rate of the longitudinal length of the oil slick is 0.5 times of the central flow velocity at the cross section; in the case of sudden pollution, neither the transport distance of the oil slick nor its longitudinal length change rate is affected by oil spill quantity; the wind field has a greater influence on the transport distance of oil slick: when the wind direction is parallel with the flow, the wind field has little influence on the change rate of the longitudinal length of the oil slick; when the wind direction is perpendicular to the flow, the oil slick will be banked under the action of the wind field; According to the physical model test, different oil spill types will lead to different the change rate of the longitudinal length of the oil film. The research results of this paper can be used to realize quick prediction of the pollution range in the case of oil spill on open channel of water transfer project, and provide support for decision making in emergency treatment pollution control.


Year: 2018

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