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Resistance on Dnapl Droplet Settlement Through Saturated Porous Medium Models

Author(s): Takayuki Ueno; Rabindra Raj Giri; Kuniaki Sato; Akira Wada

Linked Author(s): Akira Wada, Kuniaki Sato

Keywords: DNAPLs; Porous medium models; Droplet motion; Resistance

Abstract: The motion of DNAPL droplets settling through saturated stagnant porous medium models is studied experimentally. The models consist of a number of uniform glass spheres arranged flat in regular and staggered patterns. The velocity of droplets depends on porosity, geometry of pore space, droplet size and density, and travel path in the models. Reynolds number for their droplets in this study ranges from 102 to 103 and the corresponding comprehensive resistance coefficient covers between0.7 and 11. The values increase with decreasing (= clear distance between adjacent glass spheres and = droplet diameter). The increase in values recognizes in bigger droplet size and smaller. These values appear to be bigger in staggered pattern than in regular pattern model. The settling droplet depending on experimental conditions somewhat wobbles with increasing value.


Year: 2001

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