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Two-Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Floods Due to Levee Breaching

Author(s): Kheloui Lydia; Amama Zied; Bourban E. Sebastien; El Kadi Abderrezzak Kamal

Linked Author(s): Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak

Keywords: Levee breaching; Flood modelling; TELEMAC-2D; RUPRO Model; Breach expansion

Abstract: Levee failure and related inundation are usually unexpected and cause dramatic life and economic losses. Therefore, predicting flow propagation in the protected areas is crucial for flood risk management and decision making. This task requires accurate estimates of breach dynamics and discharge hydrograph. The twodimensional shallow water equations (SWE) solver TELEMAC-2D was used for computing the flow propagation, whereas the breach geometry gradual opening was computed using an implementation within TELEMAC-2D of an adapted version of the simplified physically-based RUPRO breach model proposed by Paquier and Recking (2004). Data from in-situ experiments of overtopping flow induced levee breaching were used to assess the performance of the numerical model. The present approach was also compared to two existing approaches using fully discretized physically based 2D models. Overall, all three models gave satisfactory results for final breach and maximum breach discharge. Better results were obtained by the TELEMAC2D and RUPRO approach for the breach evolution and discharge hydrograph, provided suitable input parameters/options were selected in RUPRO.


Year: 2023

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