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Strategy of Water Transfer Efficiency Improvement in Central Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project

Author(s): Xinlei Guo; Jiajia Pan; Hui Fu; Tao Wang; Jiazhen Li; Yuzhuang Chen

Linked Author(s): Xinlei Guo, Tao Wang

Keywords: Water temperature and ice distribution; South-to-North Water Diversion; Wintertime safety

Abstract: The efficiency and safety management of the Central Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (CRSNWD) during winter are significantly impacted by ice. The study aims to illustrate the spatial and temporal variability of water temperature and ice distribution, understand the driving factors behind ice propagation in the system, and propose ice-prevention plans for wintertime water transfer. The results of field observations reveal that the ice-affected region is smaller and has a shorter duration than anticipated. The study identified air temperature, water diversion discharge, solar radiation, and wind speed as the most dominant factors influencing ice processes in the system. Severe ice jams that occurred in January 2016 resulted from a combination of lower accumulated freezing degree days, larger flow discharge, and a short-term cold wave. A high wind speed in the Caohe duct causes a rapid decrease in water temperature and significant ice formation. Based on these findings, the study proposes shortening operation periods, reducing ice-affected regions, optimizing hydraulic control parameters, and developing ice-prevention techniques to enhance the wintertime operation of the CRSNWD.


Year: 2024

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