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Local Scour Around Porous Subsea Cubic Caissons in Steady Current

Author(s): Fan Yang; Lili Qu; Cheng Fan; Guoqiang Tang; Lu Lin

Linked Author(s): Fan Yang


Abstract: Local scour around porous subsea cubic caissons has been studied experimentally in a water flume. The parameter, streamwise porosity (two-dimensional porosity P2D), was investigated on the development of scour. The scour profiles, time history, equilibrium scour depth as well as time scale were studied. In the present study, the horseshoe vortex plays a fare less role than the velocity amplification on the corners of the cubic caisson. The development of scour depth is weakened as P2D further increase. The equilibrium scour depth can be up to 35% decrease of results of the solid one. Empirical formulae and correction factor Kp for predicting the equilibrium scour depth was derived by an exponential correlation.


Year: 2020

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