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One-Dimensional Numerical Model for Dam-Break Flood Simulation Based on GIS

Author(s): Dawei Zhang; Jin Quan; Xiaoyan He

Linked Author(s): Dawei Zhang, Xiaoyan He

Keywords: Dam-break; Numerical model; HLL method; GIS; Malpasset dam

Abstract: In order to complete dam-break flood hazard assessment rapidly, a useful tool is presented by integrating one-dimensional dam-break flood simulation model and GIS technology. The Saint-Venant governing equations are spatially discretized by a cell-centered finite volume method and the HLL method most popular in dam-break flood simulation is used to calculate the flow flux in the model. To obtain the second order accuracy in space and time, TVD-MUSCL and Hancock methods are used. The established model shows good accuracy and stability as has been tested with one set of measured data. To make the numerical model easier to use and obtain a friendly operation interface in engineering practices, a special dam-break flood simulation platform is developed using the GIS technology which has a good function in dealing with the terrain data and graph presentation. The platform is applied to simulate the Malpasset dam-break flood and the results indicate that the platform works well and has a wide application prospect.


Year: 2013

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