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An Improved Immersed Boundary Method for Complex Geometry Environmental Flows

Author(s): Milici Barbara; Roman Federico; Napoli Enrico; Armenio Vincenzo

Linked Author(s): Vincenzo Armenio

Keywords: Navier-Stokes solvers; Immersed-boundary technique; Curvilinear structured grids

Abstract: Most environmental fluid dynamic processes are characterized by geometric complexity and thus require the use of solvers able to deal with them. In the present paper we present a numerical technique that allows the treatment of geometric complexity still preserving the conservation properties of structured grid, Navier Stokes solvers. First we introduce the direct forcing immersed-boundary method (Mohd-Yusof, 1997; Gilmanov et al., 2003; Balaras, 2004), so far employed in conjunction with cartesian grids, and then we propose an extension to curvilinear-coordinate solvers. Additional modifications respect to the state-of-art, which allow to make the interpolation of the velocity field off the body suitable for curvilinear grids, are introduced. A detailed study on the accuracy and efficiency of the method is carried out for the cases of three-dimensional Stokes flow around a sphere and 2D flow around a cylinder placed in a Poiseuille flow.


Year: 2007

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