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Studies on Sediment Transport and Morphodynamic Evolution of a River Due to Sediment Flushing Operations of an Alpine Reservoir

Author(s): Giacomo Fasolato; Paolo Ronco; Yafei Jia

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Keywords: Reservoir sedimentation; Numerical simulation; Sediment transport

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive study combining field measurements and numerical modelling of an upper area of the Piave Basin (Eastern Alps, Italy) where flushing operations from an alpine reservoir (Comelico reservoir, capacity of 1. 4 106 m3) were performed periodically in the past decades. Boundary conditions (partially controlled by management) for the downstream channel of this reservoir are known; further downstream, this channel empties into the Pieve di Cadore reservoir. Two numerical morphodynamic models (CCHE1D from University of Mississippi, based on unsteady flow and STERIMOR from University of Padua, based on quasi-uniform flow) were applied to simulation of the chronological sequence of strong deposition, subsequent erosion-phases of the river downstream and sediment transport caused by sediment flushing operations. The simulation results make it possible to better understand the sediment transport and morphological change processes in the channel and improve sediment flushing practices; as well as to analyze the validity and limitations of the local-uniform-flow hypothesis by comparing the two models’ simulation results.


Year: 2007

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